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Essential Tremor & Cbd Oil: A Landmark Clinical Trial ... in Round-Rock-Texas

Published Jan 09, 23
4 min read

Buy Cannabis Cbd And Parkinson's: Is Cannabidiol Really Effective? in NC

CBD can be a healthy, natural alternative to traditional treatments for Parkinson’s Disease. Studies show that CBD, or cannabidiol, also referred to as CBD-rich cannabis, may help with managing debilitating symptoms of this condition, including the non-motor ones. It’s actually possible to live a productive and happy life despite being diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

And while traditional treatments may become less effective over time, CBD users are reporting long-lasting benefits. Of course, we’re not saying CBD is a miracle drug — it’s not even a drug in the first place — but a high-quality CBD oil can improve your daily life as a Parkinson’s patient.

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Everybody wants to capitalize on the booming market now, so how do you choose the right product from so many different brands? This article will help you understand the potential benefits of using CBD oil for Parkinson’s Disease on top of highlighting the best companies whose products actually work. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurological condition that impacts a person’s nervous system, usually appearing at the age of 60.

This causes a variety of motor issues, including but not limited to tremors, lack of facial expression, problems with balance, and stiffness in joints and muscles. Moreover, Parkinson’s Disease may also lead to the development of Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD), which compromises one’s cognitive performance, such as the ability to remember things, pay attention, or make decisions.

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However, with DLB, cognitive problems appear prior to motor issues. Both diseases are progressive, meaning the symptoms will deteriorate over time, and unfortunately, there’s no treatment that could cure people out of PD. Initial symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease are mild and may include: Lack of facial expression Balance issues Difficulty sitting or standing Slowness of movement (Bradykinesia) People with Parkinson’s Disease struggle with walking as the disease progresses.

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Other health problems in people with PD include: Slurred speech Memory loss Difficulty maintaining focus Impaired judgment Visual hallucinations Delusions Loss of smell Trouble swallowing Constipation People with Parkinson’s Disease may also suffer from anxiety, apathy, irritability, depression, pain, and insomnia. As mentioned, many PD patients develop Parkinson’s dementia over time.

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Not to mention the risk of lethal overdose. It’s no wonder that people with Parkinson’s disease often seek alternative forms of treatment. Let’s see how CBD could be used for Parkinson’s disease. The elements involved in Parkinson’s disease While doctors haven’t been using CBD oil for Parkinson’s disease long-term, and research into the benefits of CBD for this condition only began a few decades ago, current findings are very exciting.

Common treatments for Parkinson’s Disease can result in medicine-triggered tremors or uncontrolled muscle movements. Continuous use of such medicine could make this symptom even worse. One older and smaller study suggested that CBD may be a possible solution due to its ability to help ease these muscle movements [1]. A recently published study[2] conducted by Brazilian researchers showed that CBD lowered tremors and anxiety that occurred during a public speaking test for people over 60 with Parkinson’s disease.

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Another study from researchers Alyssa S. Laun and Zhao-Hui Song from the University of Louisville, Kentucky, made a significant discovery a few years ago when they found that CBD is an inverse agonist of the CPR6 receptor found primarily in the basal ganglia area of the brain, which connects to the brainstem and cerebral cortex .

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This means that CBD has a strong affinity to this receptor, providing beneficial effects against the symptoms of cerebral palsy and Parkinson’s. Any rise in dopamine levels would counteract the slow decrease of dopaminergic neurons experienced by PD patients. A small study of 22 people with Parkinson’s found that taking cannabis helped improve pain [4].

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However, animal studies have suggested that CBD alone may be effective in reducing pain and inflammation, two symptoms that affect people with PD frequently [5]. Psychosis is a sort of collateral damage caused by Parkinson’s disease. It can lead to hallucinations, delusions, and delirium. It is more likely to occur during the later stages of the disease and affects up to 50 percent of people with PD [6].

According to a 2009 study, the severity of psychosis and its symptoms were reduced in individuals with Parkinson’s disease [7]. More interestingly, CBD also didn’t cause any side effects. A lack of quality sleep caused by sleep disruption is a serious problem for people with Parkinson’s disease. Vivid dreams or nightmares, as well as an abrupt movement during sleep, can heavily impact your sleep cycles.