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Cbd Oil For Parkinson's In India - Its Hemp in Richmond-California

Published Jan 08, 23
5 min read

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Almost all Parkinson’s patients will eventually require medication to treat their motor symptoms. Several classes of medications are available, and often patients will be prescribed various strengths, formulations, and combinations of medications to improve their symptoms. These include: works by being converted to dopamine in the brain. Side-effects include nausea, usually requiring it to be taken with carbidopa.

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Levodopa treatments are often delayed as long as possible as its effects wear off over time and it eventually stops working, causing the patient to develop movement problems called “motor fluctuations”. is prescribed when patients taking levodopa and carbidopa have a breakthrough of Parkinson’s symptoms that were previously under control.

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that imitate the action of dopamine in the brain to treat the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Examples include pramipexole, rot ropinirole and igotine that can be taken on their own or with levodopa. Side effects can include nausea, orthostatichypotension, hallucinations, somnolence, and impulse control disorders. The most common non-pharmaceutical interventions include lifestyle changes that can help slow disease progression and make symptoms more manageable.

Physical, occupational and speech therapies can help with walking and gait issues, fine motor skills, and speech and language issues that may arise with Parkinson’s disease while deep brain stimulation (DBS) may improve symptoms in certain patients. A handful of studies have investigated the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) to treat Parkinson’s disease and symptom management.

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One such study is from 2011 in which researchers published the findings of the journal Psychopharmacology. Because of many neurodegenerative disorders involving cognitive deficits, they assessed whether the anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects of CBD could be useful in the treatment of memory impairment associated to these diseases. Using an animal model of cognitive impairment induced by iron overload, they tested the effects of CBD in memory-impaired rats in both a single dose as well as continued use.

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0 mg/kg or 10. 0 mg/kg of CBD immediately after a training session of the novel object recognition task. They continued a daily intraperitoneal CBD injection for 14 days to examine chronic use and performed object recognition training 24 hours after the last dose and a retention tests 24 hours after training.

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0 mg/kg of CBD recovered memory while repeated CBD administration of either CBD dose improved recognition memory. They concluded that the evidence suggests that CBD shows potential for the treatment of cognitive decline associated with neurodegenerative disorders. Testing the efficacy of CBD for the management and treatment of Parkinson’s disease in a double-blind, clinical trial with patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, they published their findings in the Journal of Psychopharmacology in 2014.

The control group was treated with a placebo, the first experimental group with 75 mg/day of CBD and the second experimental group with 300 mg/day of CBD. Participants were assessed in respect to motor and general symptoms, well-being and quality of life, and possible neuroprotective effects one week before and again, during the last week of treatment.

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However, the researchers also noted that studies with larger samples and specific objectives are required before definitive conclusions can be drawn. In contrast, the latest research from 2020 suggests that CBD can help with motor symptoms, specifically tremors. In the Journal of Psychopharmacology, researchers published the results from their study aimed at evaluating the impact of a single dose of 300 mg CBD on anxiety measures and tremors induced by a Simulated Public Speaking Test (SPST) in individuals with Parkinson’s disease.

In a 2015 study published in Toxicology in Vitro, scientists investigated the potential neurorestorative effects of CBD and the pathways that mediate it for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. They used rat neurons treated with a neurotoxin that is known to induce Parkinson's disease in vivo and presents with neuroinflammation, excitotoxicity, mitochondrial dysfunction and reduced neurotrophic support.

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The data indicated that CBD has neuroprotective effects on neural cells that involves neuritogenesis, NGF receptors as well as an increased expression of axonal and synaptic proteins leading them to conclude that the neuroprotective effects of CBD might be beneficial in Parkinson's disease. The scientific evidence seems to indicate that CBD has the potential to improve quality of life for patients with Parkinson’s disease in addition to reducing neuroinflammation and oxidative stress as well as induce neurogenesis and neuritogenesis that can potentially slow or even reverse disease progression.

In fact, according to this study, while only 4. 3% of a self-report survey of patients with Parkinson’s disease used cannabis, it ranked among the most effective complimentary and alternative therapies listed. CBD can also play a role as a complementary therapy to help reduce many of the symptoms associated with the pharmaceutical treatments usually prescribed to patients with Parkinson’s disease.