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Buy Cbd For Parkinson's Disease: Could Cannabidiol Help? in Toorak - limited period

Published Jan 06, 23
5 min read

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Parkinson’s disease can impact cognitive function and memory, particularly in those whose symptoms progress to Parkinson’s disease dementia. Because of this, medical marijuana with both THC and CBD may not be recommended, as it can impair thinking and brain function even more so. CBD by itself may be a safer route.

By interacting with one or both of these receptors, CBD may delay tremor development as well as have protective neurological benefits. But as seen with the above studies, there is no uniform approach or conclusion on this treatment method. This means that patients may react differently to using CBD, some having tremendous success while others seeing little difference.

What can cause side effects is if a patient decides to mix medical marijuana with their treatment plan that consists of certain prescription medications. If you plan to use medical marijuana as opposed to CBD by itself, it’s smart to consult a healthcare provider or your pharmacist before you start mixing it in with other medications to make sure it's safe for you.

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Parkinson’s disease has no cure. But with prescription medication, therapy, and now perhaps the use of nontraditional options like CBD, patients may be able to experience less frequency and severity of symptoms that affect their motor skills. If you’re interested in trying CBD for Parkinson’s disease, talk to your healthcare provider about it.

They will also be able to monitor your progress with the rest of your care team in order to come to a conclusion if this is the right treatment plan for you. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

Epidemiology of Parkinson's disease. J Neural Transm. 2017;124(8):901-905. doi:10. 1007/s00702-017-1686-y Peres FF, Lima AC, Hallak JEC, Crippa JA, Silva RH, Abílio VC. Cannabidiol as a Promising Strategy to Treat and Prevent Movement Disorders?. Front Pharmacol. 2018;9:482. doi:10. 3389/fphar. 2018.00482 Chagas MH, Eckeli AL, Zuardi AW, et al. Cannabidiol can improve complex sleep-related behaviours associated with rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder in Parkinson's disease patients: a case series.

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2014;39(5):564-6. doi:10. 1111/jcpt. 12179 Zuardi AW, Crippa JA, Hallak JE, et al. Cannabidiol for the treatment of psychosis in Parkinson's disease. J Psychopharmacol. 2009;23(8):979-83. doi:10. 1177/0269881108096519 Chagas MH, Zuardi AW, Tumas V, et al. Effects of cannabidiol in the treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease: an exploratory double-blind trial. J Psychopharmacol (Oxford).

doi:10. 1177/0269881114550355 Additional Reading Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson’s website. New Research, Medications, and CBD for Parkinson’s. Updated November 14, 2018. Dementia Care Central website. CBD: A Natural Remedy that Decreases Symptomatic Behaviors of Parkinson’s Disease? Updated February 26, 2019. Parkinson’s Foundation website. Medical Marijuana. The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research website.

Update May 2, 2018. By Colleen Travers Colleen Travers writes about health, fitness, travel, parenting, and women’s lifestyle for various publications and brands. Thanks for your feedback! What is your feedback? Other Helpful Report an Error .

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Articles from Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research are provided here courtesy of.

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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by the loss of nerve cells in a part of the brain called substantia nigra. This anomaly affects the level of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter produced in the brain. In addition to serving as a reward center, it also controls many body functions, such as memory, movement, motivation, mood, and attention.

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Dopamine deficiency is associated with motor symptoms such as tremors, bradykinesia (slow movement), limb rigidity, balance problems, and postural instability. Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is one of more than 100 chemicals found in the cannabis plant. CBD and THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol) are the two most important cannabinoids. Cannabinoids act on cannabinoid receptors throughout the body and brain, affecting how people feel, move, and react.

Scientists have published a review study in the that has focussed on various aspects of the use of cannabidiol in Parkinson's. To date, the direct cause of PD is still relatively unknown; however, it is suspected that the disease is caused due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors.